Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Live music.

"The difference between live music and recorded music it's the same as the difference between a written truth and a truth that has been heard"

Monday, June 21, 2010

BYOM with Eric Wilson.

BYOM with Eric WIlson... I am on a boat.

Good Times, Good Music...

Thanks to Eric, Casey and my Colleague Jackapeppe!

Monday, June 14, 2010


There is something in his eyes, i mean when he looks at you, you get the same feeling that when something sad makes you happy,
and then his smile, it's so contagious that you want to smile back, but it's hard! because you know that when he shows up, everything, and i mean everything! it's going to be fucked!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

B.Y.O.M ( Bring Your Own Music )

I would like to introduce the #1st session of B.Y.O.M with our guest Casey O' Reilly...

I would like to thank my friend and Colleague Apo Bordin for his enthusiasm and for believe in the project.

I hope you guys enjoyed and keep looking for more... Enjoy, my amigos


Creativity and team effort can make something really really amazing... and a jeep.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Viva Mexico.

A todos los mexicanos:

Es tiempo de que aprendamos a apoyar ala seleccion incondicionalmente,
en los deportes siempre hay un ganador y un perdedor, uno mejor y uno que va mejorando,
pero Mexico solo hay uno y Seleccion Mexicana tambien, asi que este mundial vamos aprendiendo a apoyar sin limites y sin perder la esperanza.

Ya estubo bueno de que cuando Ganan, Gana Mexico y que cuando pierden, pierde la Seleccion...

Viva Mexico! Ganen o Pierdan!

Monday, June 7, 2010

a little bit of my art...


"The humans biggest treasure it's a great talk between two open minds and a pair of honest hearts."



First what matter was the location... its agriculture possible, how's the weather,

then what matter was the Nation... what we believe in, what we do, who are we,

now the only thing that matters is the ration... how much do i get , how much you can give me.