Sunday, October 10, 2010

mi deseo...

Hoy es el aniversario de mi natalicio y mi llegada al dia de hoy, y tengo derecho a un deseo y ese deseo es que tu leas esto,

La vida nos escoge el espacio y el tiempo, y mi vida sin el encuentro con ustedes fuera otra vida.

En este dia quisiera agradecerles a todos ustedes los que :

Me aman, me quieren, me amaron y me quisieron.

han reido conmigo.

han vivido conmigo.

han disfrutado conmigo y han disfrutado de mi.

han viajado conmigo

han hecho de su persona un instrumento de ayuda para mi.

han alucinado conmigo.

han sido la "mera placa" conmigo.

han emborrachado conmigo.

han "guacareado" conmigo.

han sido correteado por la "chota" conmigo.

han llorado conmigo o llorado por mi.

han odiado mis actos y mi persona.


Muchas gracias y de nada por los buenos y malos momentos.

my wish...

It is my birthday, so i guess i have the right to ask a wish, and my wish for you to read this:

Today, i celebrate i was born and today i celebrate i arrived to this day,

from the the first day i open my eyes until today, i will like to thank all of you

for making my life what it is, because without of you my life would be another life.

Life choose my space and life choose my time, so to,

The ones...

who love me or loved me.

who have laughed with me.

who have lived with me.

who have enjoyed me or enjoy with me.

who have traveled with me.

who have helped me.

who have get high with me.

who have being drunk with me.

who have puked with me.

who have being persecuted with me.

who have cried with me or for me.

who have hated me or hate me.

who have...

Thank you, and your welcome ... and please just enjoy, the ride might get a little bumpy but at the end, the end is the end.


Yes, go ahead, point at me and call me a junkie,

because you are right, i am addicted to good talks, sincere humans,

honest laughs and constructive critics, i can't have enough and there will never

be enough.